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Archives for 2006

Journal Entries for 2007
Journal Entries for 2006
Journal Entries for 2005
Journal Entries for 2004
Journal Entries for 2003
01: dislocations (25 comments)
04: postcards from postpartum land (26 comments)
07: quotable quotes from C (10 comments)
10: a letter to M (6 comments)
10: a letter to C (6 comments)
12: on stress, to-do lists, and the generations (21 comments)
15: details (12 comments)
16: & (13 comments)
19: this and that--nothing profound (20 comments)
20: pleasures, guilty and otherwise (8 comments)
24: letter to M (9 comments)
25: for C (9 comments)
27: parent/teacher conference (13 comments)
28: mishmash update (18 comments)
30: hip! hip! hooray! (14 comments)
31: motherlove (4 comments)

02: postcards from postpartum (20 comments)
04: door to door hypothetical (27 comments)
06: being and becoming (15 comments)
08: mothers who think (too much) (13 comments)
09: before my computer's battery dies (8 comments)
10: pithy bits and the revgal friday five (15 comments)
13: now I know my ABC's... (9 comments)
14: for R--2/14/06 (8 comments)
16: short C update (6 comments)
20: proof (8 comments)
22: grey wednesday (20 comments)
23: rules (5 comments)
24: friendship friday five (4 comments)
27: quick life update (16 comments)
27: two-month exam (7 comments)

01: states I've been to, and writing (12 comments)
05: checklist (14 comments)
06: when I listen (3 comments)
07: sucks and rocks (11 comments)
10: guest blogger--the divine miss m (17 comments)
13: weekend adventure (15 comments)
18: long time no blog (10 comments)
21: on the second day of spring (2 comments)
22: just an update (13 comments)
24: planet reverendmother (12 comments)
27: cinderella--adaptation by she-who-is (10 comments)
27: writing workshop, day 1 (9 comments)
27: writing workshop, day 2 (4 comments)
27: what I submitted (9 comments)
28: writing workshop, day 3 (1 comments)
29: i wrote this yesterday (12 comments)
30: writing workshop, day 4 (10 comments)
30: thoughts on abundance (10 comments)

03: virtual baby book (15 comments)
04: like an old pair of shoes... (10 comments)
06: grade for the first week (10 comments)
10: first Sunday back (7 comments)
11: lane 10 (12 comments)
13: a paragraph I wish I'd written (16 comments)
14: good friday (4 comments)
15: good friday part II (0 comments)
16: easter (8 comments)
19: my diapered office-mate (11 comments)
19: saving the daylight (5 comments)
22: bees (15 comments)
24: daffodils (4 comments)
25: haven't done a meme in a while (6 comments)
26: down with committees (11 comments)
26: down with committees, part II (14 comments)
27: four months old (9 comments)

01: this and that (17 comments)
03: reverendmother moment #457 (19 comments)
05: postcards and the friday five (6 comments)
08: was freud right? (16 comments)
10: yee-ikes (11 comments)
11: three-word post (19 comments)
14: mother's day (5 comments)
20: i'm back (7 comments)
23: presbytery potpourri (18 comments)
25: sleep (3 comments)
26: this I believe (5 comments)
28: what about barsabbas? (8 comments)
30: random non-violent dots regarding life (9 comments)

01: happy anniversary to me (15 comments)
02: friday five: summer blockbuster edition (3 comments)
03: thought for the day (9 comments)
04: now that's a commencement speech (9 comments)
05: wow (14 comments)
05: happy anniversary (24 comments)
09: revgal friday five: rain (5 comments)
09: a letter on baptism, part I (7 comments)
11: a letter on baptism, part II (7 comments)
13: another milestone (11 comments)
14: lightning-fast brainstorm (6 comments)
15: random notes from today (5 comments)
16: friday fiveZzzzz... (6 comments)
17: before father's day (6 comments)
18: at home and away (4 comments)
19: miss m update: “War! What is it good for?” edition (11 comments)
19: memories of GA (31 comments)
20: GA: a long boring paper (7 comments)
20: one more GA thought before I fall over (9 comments)
21: a letter to the "spiritual but not religious" (19 comments)
23: two scoops of Friday Five (16 comments)
24: teething hell (5 comments)
24: sixteen hours later (8 comments)
26: a letter to M (4 comments)
26: to blog or not to blog (28 comments)
28: pre-vacation crazies (13 comments)

01: we have arrived (a poem a day) (4 comments)
02: a poem a day--II (6 comments)
03: a poem a day--III (6 comments)
04: a poem a day IV: yummy-ku (4 comments)
05: a poem a day--V (1 comments)
06: a maine abc (5 comments)
07: short friday five (7 comments)
10: monday post-vacation dots (15 comments)
12: writing mojo (10 comments)
13: my new obsession (19 comments)
14: peevish friday five (29 comments)
16: a peculiar banquet--a sermon (5 comments)
16: just how fast can i do sunday/monday dots (11 comments)
17: two-word update on miss m (14 comments)
18: my name's ted (12 comments)
20: my morning (12 comments)
21: tomorrow (today) is another day (6 comments)
21: happy birthday revgal friday five (14 comments)
23: forgive me O God, for I have ranted (15 comments)
24: it's how you play the game (4 comments)
24: and as for the girls... (7 comments)
27: lightning fast update (4 comments)
27: if i sold cheerios (6 comments)
28: hot hot hot friday five (13 comments)
30: photo (8 comments)
31: monday dots (26 comments)

01: a matched set (12 comments)
02: well, duh... (13 comments)
03: fibonacci poem (15 comments)
04: musical friday five (13 comments)
06: books books books (7 comments)
07: monday dots (13 comments)
09: about the book (18 comments)
11: friday five, bursting with fruit flavor (10 comments)
12: saturday night dots (7 comments)
13: blog-break (9 comments)
14: monday update you'll see later (4 comments)
15: things I can't be bothered with right now (11 comments)
16: another post on transformation (6 comments)
17: peeking in (4 comments)
18: what would you ask for? (28 comments)
20: colors (5 comments)
23: blitzpost (9 comments)
25: back to school friday five (10 comments)
26: scars (7 comments)
27: sunday/monday peace-loving dots (13 comments)
31: packing list (8 comments)

01: friday five: life in the fast lane (4 comments)
04: monday dots (6 comments)
04: more on hospitality (17 comments)
05: the first day of the rest of her life (9 comments)
06: quick thoughts on a wednesday (10 comments)
08: and so it goes in the mainline (14 comments)
08: friday five--things I've enjoyed (5 comments)
08: meet and greet questions (12 comments)
10: new photos up
14: ultra-fast update (4 comments)
15: friday five--brushes with greatness (6 comments)
18: random monday dots (20 comments)
19: dear readers... (18 comments)
20: quotable quotes (8 comments)
20: more photos up on 'private'
22: friday five--boo-boos (5 comments)
25: monday dots (10 comments)
27: writing exercise (2 comments)
29: friday five: groups (8 comments)
30: divine miss m: the numbers (3 comments)

01: little she-who-is: the numbers (1 comments)
01: sunday/monday dots (7 comments)
02: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (28 comments)
03: another exercise (1 comments)
04: studio 60, emergent (16 comments)
05: postcard from KC (12 comments)
06: highlights from today (14 comments)
07: final conference thought (3 comments)
07: and in other news... (13 comments)
09: monday quilt scraps (13 comments)
10: tuesday quilt scraps (10 comments)
11: an update (12 comments)
11: clementines (a snippet of a poem)
11: houses (3 comments)
13: friday five: creature comforts (6 comments)
14: this and that (22 comments)
16: disney princesses (11 comments)
16: *clunk* (9 comments)
17: little she-who-is takes a sick day (9 comments)
19: family rule (6 comments)
20: friday five: anniversary word association (17 comments)
21: tasting menu (9 comments)
24: happy "take back your time" day (10 comments)
25: "take back your time" day, and writing (5 comments)
26: a halloween clarification (10 comments)
27: ghoulish friday five (14 comments)
28: new photos up
30: on the way to preschool (8 comments)
30: m's latest tricks (5 comments)

03: friday five: toofies (7 comments)
03: i'm in love with another man, and other news (16 comments)
05: can this relationship be saved? and other thoughts (18 comments)
06: rose (2 comments)
06: leaving church (31 comments)
07: random thoughts on election day (5 comments)
08: a story with a moral, or not (12 comments)
08: naughty post-election thought (12 comments)
09: vocational discernment (15 comments)
10: friday five: what's red and blue and purple all over? (11 comments)
11: security (9 comments)
13: monday dots of update (9 comments)
14: tuesday dots of poetry news (4 comments)
14: my kid refused to say the pledge (10 comments)
15: i pledge allegiance to my kid (21 comments)
16: micropoems (3 comments)
17: friday five--thanks (6 comments)
17: micropoem II (3 comments)
20: rapid monday dots of update (6 comments)
20: multitasking (14 comments)
21: healthwatch 2006 continues (11 comments)
23: turkey delurkey (25 comments)
24: black friday five (15 comments)
25: more on gift cards (11 comments)
25: and still more on gift giving (11 comments)
26: stuff i love on 11/26 (9 comments)
27: this blog has jumped the shark (11 comments)
28: stuff i love on 11/28 (16 comments)

01: star (8 comments)
02: late friday five: adventually (14 comments)
03: mist (2 comments)
04: a christmas letter to clear channel (27 comments)
05: rsv--and not the revised standard version (22 comments)
06: bliss (4 comments)
07: random dots of thursday (5 comments)
08: fa-la-la-la-la, la friday five (29 comments)
09: something i never thought i'd have an opinion on (21 comments)
10: random dots of sunday (9 comments)
11: my day in dots (10 comments)
12: perfunctory post (20 comments)
13: for k, now that her daughter is born (4 comments)
14: the year in review (5 comments)
15: friday five: yuletide faves (5 comments)
16: thought for the day (5 comments)
17: random dots of sunday (18 comments)
18: stages of life, in bubbles (3 comments)
19: day break (3 comments)
20: this one's for ppb (6 comments)
21: what i'm working on (7 comments)
22: festive food friday five (10 comments)
23: happy birthday reverendmother (24 comments)
24: christmas prayers (10 comments)
27: random dots of update (11 comments)
31: 2006 ends not with a bang (16 comments)

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