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December 2006
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01: star (8 comments)
02: late friday five: adventually (14 comments)
03: mist (2 comments)
04: a christmas letter to clear channel (27 comments)
05: rsv--and not the revised standard version (22 comments)
06: bliss (4 comments)
07: random dots of thursday (5 comments)
08: fa-la-la-la-la, la friday five (29 comments)
09: something i never thought i'd have an opinion on (21 comments)
10: random dots of sunday (9 comments)
11: my day in dots (10 comments)
12: perfunctory post (20 comments)
13: for k, now that her daughter is born (4 comments)
14: the year in review (5 comments)
15: friday five: yuletide faves (5 comments)
16: thought for the day (5 comments)
17: random dots of sunday (18 comments)
18: stages of life, in bubbles (3 comments)
19: day break (3 comments)
20: this one's for ppb (6 comments)
21: what i'm working on (7 comments)
22: festive food friday five (10 comments)
23: happy birthday reverendmother (24 comments)
24: christmas prayers (10 comments)
27: random dots of update (11 comments)
31: 2006 ends not with a bang (16 comments)

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