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2010-01-19 11:35 PM You Is Us Enterprise Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.
Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on. And in just a few days again (just like this time last year when I made a major life decision to go into business for myself) a whole lot of new doors are opening, thanks to knowing better entrepreneurs. Seeing a new branch of the spa on the road from Sta. Rosa to the Volcano Lake Ridge City, I wanted to talk to my co-teacher and fellow franchisee in what I believed was to be a lone commute home. As luck would have it, he was in a hospital which was on my way home, just as I was passing that place and could alight. His wife was confined after having gallstones removed, and I think her gall bladder as well. It was not non-invasive like what was done for my kidney stones, but tubes were inserted through small holes in her abdomen instead of cutting here wide open. This was, by the way, not the same hospital that I was in, nearest the school, but actually on the way to Enchanted Kingdom. Anyway, he knew about the new branch, being owned by the friend of his wife. He also knew that a wellness center opened in LBA is actually another branch by the same franchiser, disguised with another name. He talked about having TESDA training for some of his more loyal and experienced staff, as not only can they take the certification with them when they leave, but it will also be good to hang in the reception area. It will furthermore add to the legitimacy of the place, it seems. He would pay for the training, in exchange for a promise to stay in the spa for a couple of years. There was actually another one beyond that from the Department of Health, but that would be more difficult to pass the written exam. After that there is supposed to be third level, that of trainer, which will allow them to certify others. Of course each sponsored taking the certification exam would ensure another year of service, whether they pass or fail. I just hope that this is enough to satisfy the parents of some of the workers, who insist that they finish a degree instead of earning money. This way, instead of spending three or more years paying tuition and getting squat, they get trained for 4 days, and spend the rest of the time getting paid for the privilege of having a certificate. Also, it is great to have someone in the same boat we can share a lawyer with and just split the attorney fees. @@ As for school stuff today was the extended operations council strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats presentation. There were twelve of us who presented for each department (college, grade school and high school, human resources, campus grounds development, physical facilities, marketing, academic services, mission office, sports development, information technology, accounting and of course student affairs. Not much discussion really, since the others either were too busy beefing up their own presentations or returning the courtesy of not being questioned during their turn. Also the individual laptops were distractions. Session 2919 is glad that hurdle is over. Class dismissed. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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