me in the piazza

I'm a writer, publishing both as SJ Rozan and, with Carlos Dews, as Sam Cabot. (I'm Sam, he's Cabot.) Here you can find links to my almost-daily blog posts, including the Saturday haiku I've been doing for years. BUT the blog itself has moved to my website. If you go on over there you can subscribe and you'll never miss a post. (Miss a post! A scary thought!) Also, I'll be teaching a writing workshop in Italy this summer -- come join us!
Archives for 2006

Journal Entries for 2016
Journal Entries for 2015
Journal Entries for 2014
Journal Entries for 2013
Journal Entries for 2012
Journal Entries for 2011
Journal Entries for 2010
Journal Entries for 2009
Journal Entries for 2008
Journal Entries for 2007
Journal Entries for 2006
Journal Entries for 2005
Journal Entries for 2004
Journal Entries for 2003
01: Old habits die hard (5 comments)
04: Tattoos (7 comments)
06: I paid a high price for this body (10 comments)
07: First Saturday (4 comments)
10: Oh, I'm such a geek (8 comments)
14: Second Saturday (0 comments)
16: "Has Dr. King's Dream Become Reality?" (5 comments)
21: Third Saturday, from Saratoga (1 comments)
25: MTA v. TWU, round 2 (3 comments)
27: A Million Little Putzes (11 comments)
28: Fourth Saturday (0 comments)
31: Two women (5 comments)

01: Gung Hay Fat Choy (3 comments)
02: One fewer little putz (3 comments)
03: All right, I bought a bird book (7 comments)
04: Fifth Saturday (0 comments)
05: One more woman (2 comments)
07: Actual & Dim (6 comments)
08: Pretty Cure (5 comments)
10: Now I'm a menace (3 comments)
11: Sixth Saturday (2 comments)
12: The happiest dog in New York (2 comments)
13: Shootin' your shootin' buddies (9 comments)
14: Valentine's day heart attack (4 comments)
15: Morning ducks (1 comments)
16: Different morning, different ducks (3 comments)
18: Seventh Saturday (0 comments)
19: On the set (2 comments)
25: Eighth Saturday (0 comments)
26: A rainy night in Georgia (10 comments)

04: Ninth Saturday (1 comments)
09: Sunday NY Times, or, where have I been? (8 comments)
11: Tenth Saturday (2 comments)
13: Let bylines be bygones (4 comments)
15: The stars that hang high over Shanghai (2 comments)
18: Eleventh Saturday (0 comments)
22: Hookah bar (8 comments)
24: Most Happy Fella (4 comments)
25: Twelfth Saturday, from New Jersey (0 comments)
28: That time of year (7 comments)
30: Making an Appearance (1 comments)

01: Thirteenth Saturday (0 comments)
03: Yellow-shafted flicker (4 comments)
05: Snow and cherry blossoms (10 comments)
08: Fourteenth Saturday (0 comments)
11: The Da Vinci Court (5 comments)
15: Fifteenth Saturday (3 comments)
18: Stripes (0 comments)
22: Sixteenth Saturday, from DC (0 comments)
29: Seventeenth Saturday (0 comments)

01: Canada geese take the field (1 comments)
03: They're kidding, right? (1 comments)
04: And while I'm on the subject (6 comments)
06: Eighteenth Saturday (2 comments)
12: Keeping up appearances (2 comments)
13: Nineteenth Saturday (3 comments)
16: SEE-kaw-kus... (1 comments)
17: And a peregrine falcon! (2 comments)
19: Pennsylvania Peregrine Peeping Tom (0 comments)
20: Twentieth Saturday (7 comments)
28: Twenty-first Saturday, one day late, from Rancho Obsesso (2 comments)
30: Oberlin Reunion (8 comments)

03: Twenty-second Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (1 comments)
07: Rancho Obsesso garden report (1 comments)
09: Fashionistas (4 comments)
10: Twenty-third Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (0 comments)
13: River action (0 comments)
17: Twenty-fourth Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (0 comments)
24: Twenty-fifth Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (6 comments)

01: Twenty-sixth Saturday (3 comments)
08: Twenty-seventh Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (9 comments)
13: Big red boat (5 comments)
14: Hardening Pharoah's heart (1 comments)
15: Twenty-eighth Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (0 comments)
16: Pharoah's heart, again (6 comments)
22: Twenty-ninth Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (2 comments)
29: Thirtieth Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (0 comments)

04: I'm back, with ducks (10 comments)
05: Thirty-first Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (0 comments)
12: Thirty-second Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (1 comments)
19: Thirty-third Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (0 comments)
22: Violence and high school football (1 comments)
26: Thirty-fourth Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (0 comments)

01: Martial art (2 comments)
02: Thirty-fifth Saturday, from Rancho Obsesso (2 comments)
03: Re: house for sale (5 comments)
09: Thirty-sixth Saturday (0 comments)
10: Sept. 10 (5 comments)
12: Sept. 12 (10 comments)
16: Thirty-seventh Saturday (1 comments)
18: Quote of the day from a writer's perspective (8 comments)
20: Four cormorants (6 comments)
23: Thirty-eighth Saturday, from Philadelphia (3 comments)

02: Thirty-ninth Saturday, from Madison, WI, two days late (2 comments)
03: Pelicans! (7 comments)
04: Got the code (4 comments)
05: The first review (18 comments)
06: I love Florida (1 comments)
07: Fortieth Saturday, from New Smyrna Beach, FL (3 comments)
08: Why woodpeckers don't get headaches! (2 comments)
10: What I don't have here (7 comments)
12: Planes into buildings (7 comments)
13: Sights on my morning run (6 comments)
14: Forty-first Saturday, from New Smyrna Beach, FL (1 comments)
15: There's a lizard in my house (8 comments)
19: So what's it like here? (5 comments)
21: Forty-second Saturday, from New Smyrna Beach, FL (0 comments)
27: Back (4 comments)
28: Forty-third Saturday (1 comments)
30: My favorite sports story of the week (5 comments)

01: Six-word stories (12 comments)
04: Forty-fourth Saturday (1 comments)
08: Well, that's good, but... (9 comments)
09: Some things are still funny (0 comments)
11: Forty-fifth Saturday (4 comments)
18: Forty-sixth Saturday (1 comments)
21: My very favorite top ten list of the week (4 comments)
24: The day after Thanksgiving (1 comments)
25: Forty-seventh Saturday (3 comments)

02: Forty-eighth Saturday (2 comments)
03: Six-word story contest (0 comments)
07: Norwegian Dawn (3 comments)
08: B'ball (2 comments)
09: Forty-ninth Saturday (0 comments)
10: About that new basketball (4 comments)
11: The Holocaust? It's all relative (3 comments)
13: Holiday train show (3 comments)
16: Fiftieth Saturday (0 comments)
17: THE APPRENTICE meets THE WIRE (10 comments)
19: Basketbrawl (2 comments)
21: Downtown Brooklyn, RIP (0 comments)
23: Fifty-first Saturday (4 comments)
25: My Xmas present from the LA Times (12 comments)
29: Now THIS... (0 comments)
30: Final Saturday (4 comments)
31: Work to be done (6 comments)

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