Witnessing the Meltdown

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13400 Curiosities served
October 2005
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03: WMD: Deadly bacteria detected, officials notified a week later (0 comments)
05: Privatization doesn't work out quite as planned r1.2 (0 comments)
12: Scammers posing as Cingular Wireless support (0 comments)
12: Middle class to end up paying for AMT offsets? (0 comments)
13: The Ultimate Hippy Vacation (0 comments)
14: Archimedes Death Ray: Idea Feasibility Testing (0 comments)
14: My Weekly Reader stirred flying saucer controversy (0 comments)
14: The Hypno-Robber (0 comments)
18: IDing GMO Produce (0 comments)
20: Make the Pie Higher, a pome (0 comments)

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Who: Early 40-something Software Development professional; father of two young 'uns.

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