Witnessing the Meltdown

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13399 Curiosities served
September 2005
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03: Katrina: Message to evacuee buses... (1 comments)
05: Katrina: Missing persons / kids lists, and 'I'm OK' lists (1 comments)
06: WaPo: Rove Not Entitled to D.C. Homestead Deduction (0 comments)
07: Katrina: Tax cuts for the rich or not? (0 comments)
07: Katrina: Don't Blame the Victims, Get to Work (0 comments)
07: Katrina: The Memory Hole: Timeline from ThinkProgress.org (0 comments)
07: Katrina: More on Avoiding the Memory Hole (0 comments)
07: Katrina: FEMA Assistance to LA: This will blow your mind (0 comments)
07: Katrina: The Anti-9/11 - Satire & Reflection (0 comments)
10: Rove & illegal homestead exemptions: State fires lawyer after story on Rove (0 comments)
10: Letter: Karl Rove's illegal homestead exemptions: What's wrong with this picture? (0 comments)
10: Former prisons director acquitted in VitaPro case (0 comments)
10: Katrina's diaspora 'a national lesson in diversity' (0 comments)
10: Katrina: Guard deployment in Iraq hurt response (0 comments)
12: Psychopaths / Sociopaths (1 comments)
13: Katrina: "We had to kill our patients" (0 comments)
15: Katrina: Um, this doesn't sound so great (0 comments)
15: Katrina: Rebuilding: It's all about intentions (0 comments)
19: Rove & illegal homestead exemptions: Rove talked to Secretary of State before firing (0 comments)
20: Iraq: UK 'Negotiates' release of 2 soldiers using a tank (1 comments)
21: Katrina: How to NOT Win Friends and Influence People (1 comments)
22: Katrina: Experts Say Faulty Levees Caused Much of Flooding (0 comments)
26: Katrina: Evacuees in Vidor (1 comments)
27: Katrina: Michael Brown lands on his feet (0 comments)
27: Katrina: The New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board (0 comments)
28: Katrina: Guard deployment in Iraq hurt response II (0 comments)
28: Katrina: Rumors of mayhem greatly exaggerated? (0 comments)
29: Scientists Capture Giant Squid in Photos (0 comments)
29: Iraq: This is probably worse than Abu Graib r1.2 (1 comments)
29: Steven Bochco's "Over There" (0 comments)
30: Barack Obama: An example of a 'New' Dem? (0 comments)

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Who: Early 40-something Software Development professional; father of two young 'uns.

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