Looking at life... from an oblique angle / and I sometimes Twitter (normally only when riled up): @brindafella

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August 2005
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01: For those who don't have teenage sons... (0 comments)
02: The world turns 15 years old (2 comments)
06: ... or should that be 60 years old? (2 comments)
08: When an orbit is not. (0 comments)
10: What's the weather like? (0 comments)
10: Senators and their consciences. (0 comments)
11: A brush with fame; actually, more a broom. (3 comments)
12: Cabin fever, and other things wrong in the world (0 comments)
16: Pride and Prejudice (0 comments)
17: Explaining elite-level Cricket (0 comments)
20: An old joke made new (0 comments)
22: Journey: Death and Life (1 comments)
24: Is there an ECONOMIST in the house? (1 comments)
24: Is there a MECHANIC in the house? (0 comments)
24: Journey: Go east, young man (0 comments)
25: And, then the alien said, "Take me to your reader." (0 comments)
26: Journey: Three men, but how many fundamental ideals? (0 comments)
27: 259, and Schadenfreude (0 comments)
30: The precious Alexander McCall Smith (0 comments)
30: Some things "get up my nose"! (0 comments)
31: Journey: When blue is grey or black (0 comments)

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