Electric Grandmother

Maggie Croft's Personal Journal young spirit, wire-wrapped
spark electric grandmother
arc against the night

-- Lon Prater

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November 2004
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02: vote (4 comments)
03: what do you say? (1 comments)
03: make yourselves heard (2 comments)
04: back to our regularly scheduled programming (2 comments)
05: happy november 5th for all my UK friends (0 comments)
08: you need a laugh! ... letters dear abby admitted she was at a loss to answer (0 comments)
12: why (3 comments)
15: eating the weekend (0 comments)
16: holiday reading suggestion and moving along (2 comments)
17: fun, fun, fun! (1 comments)
19: neil gaiman (2 comments)
19: on winter (update) (4 comments)
22: that greasing time of year (2 comments)
29: Done! Aha! (0 comments)
30: anhgrfhphsngnlmph (2 comments)
30: anhgrfhphsngnlmph/winter update (2 comments)

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