Mr. Cloudy's Shelter
A Place to Listen and be Heard

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June 2005
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01: The things you cannot control -- baseball and life (0 comments)
03: Self-protection (1 comments)
06: "I did my best" (2 comments)
07: i love you, let me change you, i loathe you (0 comments)
08: thumbs up to pop music (0 comments)
09: Process Theology (0 comments)
10: the greatness of Queen (1 comments)
13: John Spong on theism (0 comments)
14: California Condor's over the Grand Canyon (1 comments)
14: Health -- week 8 (0 comments)
16: The Terminal (2 comments)
17: dis-integration (1 comments)
20: The Fragility of Goodness, Plato and Aristotle, Origen and Calvin, me and God (0 comments)
21: Gandhi and pacifism (6 comments)
22: James Taylor "Live at the Beacon Theatre" (2 comments)
24: Sweet things (0 comments)
27: Big Fish (3 comments)
27: farewell to Tigger and Piglet (2 comments)
28: Winnie the Pooh (0 comments)
29: health -- week 10 (0 comments)
29: What's more comforting? (3 comments)
30: Ernest Becker's "Denial of Death" (0 comments)

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