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December 2004
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01: Students Knowing Enough to Accept Easy Tasks (0 comments)
04: Giving the Students More Leeway As the End of the Term Approaches (0 comments)
06: Classes Getting Called Off Due to Holiday Activities and Calamities (0 comments)
07: Teachin' Sumthin' Udder Dan Book Learnin' (0 comments)
09: Computer Aided Instruction Shows Its Plumes (0 comments)
10: Unusual Concessions I've Never Given A Class Before (0 comments)
11: Rearrangements Done Because of the Suspension of Classes Last Week (0 comments)
13: Writing The Lecture At the Start of the Class or Write As I Teach? (1 comments)
14: Why This Teacher Sometimes Opts for Ineffective Ways of Lecturing (0 comments)
15: The Last Lecture Day of the Term (0 comments)
16: The Concept of Students Point-Bargaining With the Teacher (0 comments)
17: The Teacher as A Reassuring Presence of A Not So Independent Nature (0 comments)
18: When Students Are Given More Time to Study (0 comments)
20: The Students' Bad Habits Rear Their Ugly Heads (0 comments)

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