Dickie Cronkite
Someone who has more "theme park experience."

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March 2005
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01: Kodo krazy (12 comments)
02: Look at me. You wanna kiss me. (35 comments)
04: The good, the bad, and the stupid (16 comments)
04: McClipped (14 comments)
07: Good grief, Charlie Brown. (7 comments)
08: Kotlowitz smack-down (23 comments)
10: Econ, we hardly knew ye (21 comments)
12: Quick Crash (12 comments)
13: "Promises, promises, that is all we ever make." (1 comments)
15: Intermission. (7 comments)
19: Bracket-busting (and other deep thoughts) (22 comments)
22: Bad News (5 comments)
22: We are Red Lake (14 comments)
23: And, in summary... (4 comments)
24: On the road (5 comments)
26: DC in DC (13 comments)
26: Support Our Shampoo (6 comments)
28: Memory Lane (11 comments)
30: Thirsting (25 comments)
31: DeLay vs. Feinstein (15 comments)

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