Dickie Cronkite
Someone who has more "theme park experience."

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April 2005
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01: Newsflash: Dickie is a [bleeping] hypocrite (20 comments)
03: Global meltdown (10 comments)
04: Orrin Hatch-inspired gayness (42 comments)
06: Obama catnaps (6 comments)
07: Boxer and bug spray (2 comments)
07: Don't drink the water... (11 comments)
08: Raidgate (3 comments)
09: And finally... (0 comments)
09: Piglet goes down... (0 comments)
11: Bolton (7 comments)
12: I am the walrus (17 comments)
14: Big news. (5 comments)
17: Drilling on the horizon (6 comments)
18: God bless the Yankees (5 comments)
18: This American lie-detector test (1 comments)
19: Ratzing-cough. (14 comments)
20: Breakfast with Boxer (9 comments)
20: I AGREE WITH KARL ROVE. (4 comments)
20: Do-yers (18 comments)
22: A day in the life. (0 comments)
25: Dickie Cronkite: Religious Conservative (11 comments)
25: Das Bloomberg (15 comments)
27: Fun with immigration (4 comments)
27: Social Security (zzzzz) (5 comments)
28: The truth about Charley (12 comments)
29: The dark side. (26 comments)

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