Witnessing the Meltdown

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13389 Curiosities served
November 2004
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01: SW Ohio: A Pre-election Eyewitness Account (2 comments)
02: Europe, The New Superpower (0 comments)
04: Onward Christian Soldiers (2 comments)
04: Greg Palast: Kerry won (0 comments)
04: Austin soldier's letter home (0 comments)
04: Let the Healing begin (0 comments)
05: Pray for this man as if your life depended on it (0 comments)
05: Long term, the markets prefer Democratic presidents (0 comments)
06: You Can Trust the Vote (0 comments)
08: No Reason to Give Up (0 comments)
10: Latest regarding the Zenith / Penske lead waste issue. (0 comments)
10: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (1 comments)
11: LTTE re: Statesmen story on vote verification effort (0 comments)
11: Whose values are moral? (0 comments)
15: Peak Oil (0 comments)
15: Kinsley: My side lost. Now when can we stop paying penance? (0 comments)
15: For many Iraq veterans, a mental battle is just beginning (0 comments)
19: "Delay Rule" a Good Thing? (0 comments)
20: Respect != Submission (0 comments)
22: The 23rd Sigh (0 comments)
22: Colonoscopies (0 comments)
23: Unity between the Elephant and Donkey (0 comments)
27: Outback cowboys may see a change in headgear (1 comments)

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Who: Early 40-something Software Development professional; father of two young 'uns.

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