Witnessing the Meltdown

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13388 Curiosities served
October 2004
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04: RNC Summary (0 comments)
04: If America were Iraq, What would it be Like? (0 comments)
04: Further evidence that some Conservatives... (0 comments)
07: LTTE re: Draft "Rumors" (0 comments)
08: The Phishers are getting more crafty (0 comments)
08: Novelty in Central Texas? (0 comments)
12: Falwell connections to TX House race (0 comments)
18: Bubbie vs. the GOP (0 comments)
18: No Right to Grow food of your using in Iraq? (0 comments)
19: Draft "Rumors", II (0 comments)
22: Early voting problems in Travis County, TX? (0 comments)
24: LTTE: Republicans perceive a unique reality? (0 comments)
28: FL Electronic voting (humor) (0 comments)
29: TAL: Vote fraud (0 comments)
30: Don't give our your PIN # (0 comments)
30: Jim Hightower on Nov. 2 (0 comments)

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Who: Early 40-something Software Development professional; father of two young 'uns.

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