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July 2005
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01: clippings (3 comments)
03: i pledge allegiance... (15 comments)
06: liner notes (15 comments)
06: the blessing of obscurity, and a rant (11 comments)
08: friday potpourri (20 comments)
10: the good, the bad, and the ugly (7 comments)
11: special guest blogger: Mr. RM (20 comments)
12: roundup (15 comments)
13: special guest blogger: the reverend's daughter (8 comments)
14: hmm... sorting... difficult to see... (44 comments)
16: word of advice... (11 comments)
18: HP -- initial thoughts with SPOILERS (10 comments)
18: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... (15 comments)
20: this, that, and the other thing (18 comments)
21: mom-ku (8 comments)
21: reverendmother, this is your life! (16 comments)
22: all those knotty questions, and for what? (17 comments)
23: this thing has a life of its own now... (10 comments)
23: remembrance, part I (12 comments)
25: remembrance, part II (3 comments)
25: a little levity for the presbyterians... (5 comments)
26: "rejoice"--a sermon (10 comments)
27: blogging thought of the day (21 comments)
27: remembrance, part III, the final part (13 comments)

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