Eric Mayer

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Journal Archives for 2008

Archives: 2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003  

01: New Year, New Entry (6 comments)
02: First Lines (10 comments)
03: Smell the Light (8 comments)
05: The Usual Predicament (12 comments)
06: Slow Day (7 comments)
07: A Sigh of Relief (6 comments)
08: Different Geese (4 comments)
09: Light and Wind (4 comments)
10: Inside Dope on PW Reviews (7 comments)
12: Golden Age Writing (9 comments)
15: History of the Average Person (7 comments)
17: Ed Hoch (3 comments)
18: Good News, Bad News (4 comments)
21: East Village Other (6 comments)
23: That Loathsome Liquid (12 comments)
26: Taxi! Taxi! (7 comments)
31: Too Much (7 comments)

01: Excavating the Website (6 comments)
02: Starred Review (12 comments)
05: Errors of the Great Authors (7 comments)
06: How I Met the Internet (17 comments)
08: Missing Work (5 comments)
10: Squall (11 comments)
15: Daydreams (5 comments)
16: Promote, Promote, Promote (13 comments)
18: Alain Robbe-Grillet (6 comments)

01: Kings of Terror (9 comments)
05: Imagining the Future (13 comments)
08: Kindled (10 comments)
10: Miniatures (12 comments)
24: Not Flatlining Just Outlining (9 comments)
25: Defrosting (6 comments)

05: On the Publicity Trail (6 comments)
17: Curses Spring Eternal (9 comments)
21: Eunuchs in History and Mystery (8 comments)
23: The Real Cover (9 comments)
27: A New Interview (6 comments)

08: Picks and Patter (3 comments)
20: A Book Behind the Book (6 comments)
24: Habits (7 comments)
25: Phoenix (7 comments)
26: Back In Gear? (6 comments)
29: Armchair Mountain Climbing (6 comments)

01: A "Writing" Day (11 comments)
03: Nothing Doing (9 comments)
04: Woods and Walls (4 comments)
07: Hot Hot Hot (7 comments)
10: Trees in the Middle (5 comments)
15: If I'd known then... (10 comments)
21: Dark and Stormy Beginnings (5 comments)
26: How Cozy (9 comments)
27: Memories and History (7 comments)

03: Women in History (An interview) (5 comments)
04: First Fourth (8 comments)
08: We're All Over (6 comments)
15: Up on the Roof (13 comments)

03: Still Around (9 comments)
08: The Yankees of Malfi (6 comments)
15: Reconciling Fact and Fiction (10 comments)
26: Update (6 comments)
29: How to Misplace a Pope (11 comments)
31: Two Mongolian Detectives (9 comments)

07: Trouble With History (9 comments)

01: Where There's a Will, There's a Say (3 comments)
04: Dogwood Berries Anyone? (8 comments)
15: Stringing Readers Along (9 comments)
19: The Art of Book Covers (13 comments)
25: Election Syndrome (17 comments)
31: Campaign Monopoly (7 comments)

02: Fall Squirrel (9 comments)

15: A History of Histories (13 comments)

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