Eric Mayer

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Journal Archives for 2005

Archives: 2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003  

02: Lessons of History (0 comments)
03: InsideAdrift Awards (0 comments)
05: Paths (0 comments)
06: Snow and Ice (0 comments)
07: If Cat (0 comments)
08: Just Thinking is Writing (1 comments)
09: News Script Groaners (0 comments)
10: The Chatophobe ADRIFT (0 comments)
11: History Mystery or Misery? (2 comments)
12: Rejection Dream (0 comments)
13: Naming Characters (2 comments)
14: Alternative History (0 comments)
15: Winter Reflections (0 comments)
16: Weather Write or Wrong (1 comments)
20: Voting Patterns (0 comments)
21: Fiction Bugs (0 comments)
23: Why Stories Don't Get Rejected (0 comments)
24: More Snow, More Cats (0 comments)
24: The Bruce Alexander History Mystery Award (2 comments)
25: January Fruit Curry (0 comments)
26: Spiders in Winter (0 comments)
27: The Editorial Memo Cometh (0 comments)
28: Rock Doubleheader (0 comments)
29: Coincidences? (0 comments)
30: Let Them Eat Goat (0 comments)
31: Writing the Dark (0 comments)

01: Now Batting, Punxsutawney Phil (0 comments)
02: Helpful Form Rejections (2 comments)
05: Visualizing Characters (2 comments)
06: Getting Into Their Skins (2 comments)
07: Yet More (or Less) Character Description (2 comments)
08: Lyrics and Libraries (0 comments)
10: Be An Bestseller (0 comments)
11: Killer Books (5 comments)
12: Too Much Writing (2 comments)
12: Language is Fossil Poetry (0 comments)
13: A Victorian Oprah (0 comments)
14: $%#!! Valentine's (2 comments)
14: Being Lousy (0 comments)
15: Eleemosynary Bulls (2 comments)
15: Historically Accurate Mysteries (0 comments)
15: More Bull (Leaping) (0 comments)
16: Luck or Design? (2 comments)
17: Grave Revision (0 comments)
17: Nominations for Poisoned Pen Press (0 comments)
18: If This Is Tuesday I Must Be A Geezer (4 comments)
19: Those Much Maligned Modifiers (0 comments)
20: Can Cats Tell Time? (4 comments)
21: Snow Described (0 comments)
22: We're Eleven Down (0 comments)
23: Ten Things (4 comments)
25: Thinking of Left Coast Crime (1 comments)
25: Off With Their Heads (0 comments)
26: Thinking of Left Coast Crime 2 (4 comments)
27: Left Coast Crime Awards (0 comments)
27: Waiting for the Storm (2 comments)
28: Writing, Luck, Ideas, Etc. (4 comments)

01: Computer Storm (4 comments)
02: Banned Books (3 comments)
04: "Classical" Poetry (0 comments)
05: Slide! Slide! (2 comments)
08: The Bleak Winter of Revision (2 comments)
11: A Variety of Bestsellers (0 comments)
12: When He Was Old (0 comments)
13: First Crow of Spring (2 comments)
14: Not A Grammar Guru (5 comments)
16: Mary Has A Question (0 comments)
17: Mysterious or Just Statistically Improbable? (1 comments)
17: OED SF Project Online (0 comments)
21: Baseball and Immortality (Kind Of) (0 comments)
23: The Glaciers Advance (0 comments)
24: Journal or Weather Log? (2 comments)
26: Why Do We Write? (5 comments)

02: The Reviews Maven (5 comments)
03: Springless Spring (6 comments)
15: A New Orphan Scrivener (0 comments)
16: Quatermass and the Kinks (3 comments)
25: Finished (just about...) (2 comments)
26: Fanzine Fandom (2 comments)
27: Which City? (3 comments)
28: Finished? Not So Fast.... (0 comments)
29: Meat and Me (4 comments)
29: Blast From My Comics Past (0 comments)
30: Electric Attic (0 comments)

01: Hauling Case (2 comments)
02: Mary Talks (2 comments)
03: Crawling Eye Monster (5 comments)
04: Freebies (3 comments)
06: What I Learned From My Cat Today (4 comments)
06: What I Learned From My Cat (the book) (0 comments)
07: Before POD (5 comments)
08: Publicity on the Web (8 comments)
10: A Pleasant Coincidence (0 comments)
11: What I Heard at the Grocery (5 comments)
16: Old Cars (4 comments)
16: Travis McGee (6 comments)
18: Office Dream (1 comments)
19: Medieval Mysteries (1 comments)
20: Intimations of Classical Hosiery (2 comments)
22: The View From Weehawken (0 comments)
24: The Sad Tale of the Comfy Chair (2 comments)

01: No Multi Tasking For Me (6 comments)
04: One Tough Game (5 comments)
06: Considering Rats in the Slush Pile (6 comments)
07: The Objective Standard Fallacy (3 comments)
08: Slush Pile Roulette? (10 comments)
09: So, You and I Want to Be a Novelists? (2 comments)
10: Are We Successful Yet? (5 comments)
11: Finishing Thoughts (Honest) (3 comments)
14: Mike and Michael (5 comments)
15: Slingshots and Folk Customs (0 comments)
19: Make Mine Paper (0 comments)
19: It Was Easy (7 comments)
21: My Weird Reading (3 comments)
22: Had Any Good Dreams Lately? (4 comments)
24: Writing Like Magic (2 comments)
25: Judging A Publisher By Its Covers (9 comments)
26: Idling (1 comments)
27: Lost Works of Genius (0 comments)
28: Advances Are Overrated (4 comments)
30: If Looks Could Kill (2 comments)

01: Coming Home to Roost (on eBay) (4 comments)
03: Fireworks (2 comments)
11: Caffeine and Deadlines (3 comments)
14: Cat Denied (3 comments)
15: I Remember the Suzerainne (1 comments)
17: Nothing to Write (2 comments)
18: Leftovers: To Womb It May Concern (3 comments)
19: Not My Book Tour (5 comments)
20: Leftovers: What's in a Sentence (4 comments)
21: Leftovers: A Classic Sentence (4 comments)
22: Small is Beautiful (5 comments)
25: Eighty-Nine in the Shade (5 comments)
26: The Heat Goes On (2 comments)
27: Another Scorcher (3 comments)
28: ARC of Triumph? (4 comments)
31: Lettuce - Fact or Fiction? (6 comments)

03: Things Change (0 comments)
04: Remembering CBGB (4 comments)
05: Too Soon (4 comments)
07: Phlox (1 comments)
11: Conundrum (2 comments)
13: The Amazon Effect (1 comments)
13: Googling For Copyright (5 comments)
16: Doubleheader (4 comments)
18: Knackered (3 comments)
21: Blogging vs Fiction (4 comments)
24: Dangers of Digitalization (5 comments)
25: Ripping and Publishing (5 comments)
27: Time to Stop Reading (6 comments)
27: Publishing -- It's a Business (5 comments)
27: Blogging in the Stone Age (1 comments)
30: The Cat Looks Down (3 comments)

01: First Review (3 comments)
01: About Reviews (4 comments)
04: Orienteering (8 comments)
06: Mr. Potato Head On Writing (6 comments)
07: Orienteering for Athletes and Non-Athletes (3 comments)
07: Oh the Horror the Horror! (3 comments)
10: Promoting in Public (10 comments)
12: Today is Sunday (3 comments)
16: Winter's on the Way (3 comments)
17: More Seasoning (4 comments)
17: Artistic Mortality (3 comments)
18: Off to the Woods (4 comments)
20: Writing for the Ages (2 comments)
21: Publishers Weekly Checks In (5 comments)
22: Fall in the Air (3 comments)
25: Sleep Deprived (7 comments)
26: Halfway Home (6 comments)
27: Blog or Journal? (4 comments)
28: Some People Never Learn (3 comments)
29: Turkey of a Morning (3 comments)
29: Iron Sunrise revisited (1 comments)

01: Awards for Editors? (3 comments)
03: Our Demons (6 comments)
04: Eunuch Escapes Unscathed (7 comments)
06: Confuse a Cat (3 comments)
08: Rainy Day Reading (2 comments)
12: Everybody's Doin' It (Or Not) (6 comments)
14: That's Not Entertainment (1 comments)
15: Fear of Plagiarism and Falling Objects (6 comments)
22: Typewriter Heros (4 comments)
23: A Writing Assortment (6 comments)
25: Upside Down (4 comments)
30: The Truth About Halloween (4 comments)
31: Me and the Jesus Tree (8 comments)

03: November Arrives Late (6 comments)
08: Writing Apprenticeship (4 comments)
08: Snapshot (3 comments)
09: Writing Speed (6 comments)
11: How to Promote Poetry (2 comments)
12: Corn Hut (1 comments)
13: Now the Hard Part (2 comments)
15: Unsound Investments (7 comments)
17: Marking Time (1 comments)
20: License Plate of the Beast (4 comments)
21: Lost in Cyberspace (2 comments)
21: My Inspiration (2 comments)
22: Not Always What They Seem (6 comments)
22: Mary Reed's Backstory (0 comments)
24: The Holidays Are Upon Us (3 comments)
24: Should We Give Thanks? (12 comments)
25: Preditors & Editors (2 comments)
28: Justs For All (6 comments)
28: Pierce's Pick of the Week (8 comments)
29: Finished (7 comments)

01: Feedback (7 comments)
02: 14, 4 and 20 (3 comments)
03: Inside Dope on Small Publishers (5 comments)
04: Now Entering A New World (5 comments)
09: Journal Meme (1 comments)
09: When SF Was Odd (7 comments)
11: Storytelling (5 comments)
14: Early Winter (5 comments)
16: A Holiday Newsletter (1 comments)
17: Test Your Title (3 comments)
18: Outside the Blog (2 comments)
19: Death of a Saleswriter (6 comments)
20: Mystery Writers' Mews (4 comments)
21: Hope (3 comments)
22: Byzantine Blog's Latest Hits (5 comments)
24: The Day Before Christmas (6 comments)
31: Time (6 comments)

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