Eric Mayer

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Journal Archives for 2006

Archives: 2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003  

01: A Good Start (4 comments)
02: Meow Mix (4 comments)
03: Reconstructing Our Writing Past (10 comments)
07: Ideas vs Words (7 comments)
10: How Annoying (5 comments)
15: The Wall (8 comments)
16: Writing Necessities (6 comments)
17: Ain't It The Truth (2 comments)
17: Dim Bulbs (8 comments)
19: Out of Time (8 comments)
23: Habits Meme (5 comments)
26: Doing It Right (9 comments)
27: Rubbish Day (5 comments)
28: Collaborators (3 comments)
29: Press to Publish (6 comments)

01: Shellac Memories (5 comments)
02: Groundhog Day Again (6 comments)
03: More Math in Schools (4 comments)
04: Healing (3 comments)
05: A Half-Baked Memory (5 comments)
06: Not Scooter Again (3 comments)
12: Return of the Binge Blogger (8 comments)
15: Divinations and Revisions (2 comments)
16: Vicarious Carnivore (5 comments)
17: Windy Day (5 comments)
18: Truth or Words? (3 comments)
19: Sunday Morning Bagels (4 comments)
19: Sunday Supplement (2 comments)
21: Seven Things Meme (7 comments)
23: Kissing Our Mass Market Goodbye (8 comments)
24: Here Today Gone Tomorrow (6 comments)
25: Publishing Pratfalls Part Three (4 comments)
26: Remembering Christmas in February (1 comments)

08: Why I Write Mysteries (6 comments)
10: Now Scheduling (6 comments)
13: Naming Nature (5 comments)
15: Win A Free Book (2 comments)
16: Tell Don't Show (3 comments)
16: A Zine Is Born (5 comments)
18: A Day for Research (7 comments)
20: Journal Entry (9 comments)
21: How Fast Do You Write? (11 comments)
26: Change of Season (4 comments)
27: Some Advice For Writers (3 comments)
28: Outlining Outlining (6 comments)
29: What Good Is An Outline? (1 comments)
30: A Walk to the Graveyard (10 comments)

01: Keeping Perspective on Writing (7 comments)
02: Free Books (3 comments)
04: Twelfth Anniversary (7 comments)
09: Three Cats (5 comments)
10: Serious Business (6 comments)
12: Uncomfortable Crossovers (2 comments)
13: Playing Chicken With My Memory (6 comments)
14: Marquee of mystery (2 comments)
14: Dorj Steppes Back Into the Sight (3 comments)
14: Twin Horrors: Wallpaper and Photographs (4 comments)
22: Dirt! (6 comments)
23: Random Things Late At Night (12 comments)
24: Real Art (9 comments)
29: A Colorful Home Life (5 comments)

02: A ProFile (5 comments)
03: Backups (7 comments)
04: Onward! (7 comments)
05: 52 Picked Up (8 comments)
07: Themes (4 comments)
10: Wake Up Call (8 comments)
12: More Caffeine (4 comments)
12: Ancient Science Fiction (1 comments)
13: You Made the Pants Too Long (4 comments)
15: Why Mystery Authors Blog (5 comments)
17: The Captain At The Switchboard (10 comments)
19: Progress (8 comments)
22: More For Less (7 comments)
23: The New Rap Sheet Blog (0 comments)
23: Out in the Woods (10 comments)
25: The Trouble With Book Tours (7 comments)
27: Putting Ourselves Out of Business (11 comments)
29: Ring-a-ding-ding. God save the king! (4 comments)
31: Electrifying News (10 comments)

02: Martian Summer (6 comments)
10: Hamster Noir (8 comments)
13: Pine Away (7 comments)
16: Purple Stains, Purple Prose (3 comments)
20: Ink and Imaginings (2 comments)
22: Hecklers (4 comments)
30: Not Done Yet (3 comments)

01: Complaints, Complaints! (7 comments)
02: The Other Eunuch Detectives (2 comments)
03: Just Coincidence? (8 comments)
04: Prologues - Pro and Con (14 comments)
06: The Joys of Summer (5 comments)
10: What Good is Success? (4 comments)
11: The Quest for Publicity (2 comments)
13: Jeepers Creepers (9 comments)
14: New Interview (4 comments)
17: Too Whipped to Write (9 comments)
22: The Need to Read (6 comments)
29: Caffeine and Computers (12 comments)
31: Someone Else's Book (For A Change) (9 comments)

02: No Tears (10 comments)
04: Arthur Lee and Me (2 comments)
05: Short Shorts (9 comments)
07: Sieg Meow (6 comments)
11: Baseball in the Air (4 comments)
13: Fear of Flying (5 comments)
14: Earth Attacks! (5 comments)
16: Words and Worlds (4 comments)
16: New Newsletter (2 comments)
19: Writing Can't Be Taught (7 comments)
19: Another Fine Zine (3 comments)
22: Suitable For Children? (6 comments)
24: Astronomers Walk the Dog (7 comments)
26: Three Great Reasons Not to Write (9 comments)
29: Raffles (1 comments)

03: The Quest to Improve (7 comments)
05: Go Yanks! (3 comments)
09: Putting on the Brakes (10 comments)

02: Where's the Blog? (8 comments)
03: Viewpoint (6 comments)
09: All Greek To Me (4 comments)
11: Getting Ready For Winter (5 comments)
24: Announcements (0 comments)
24: Vegemite and Me (7 comments)
26: Time and History (4 comments)

09: The Mailman (7 comments)
12: Frogs in Autumn (4 comments)
13: Six Weird Things (5 comments)
14: Character as Setting (6 comments)
18: Homes for the Holidays (2 comments)
20: First Snow (6 comments)
22: How to Get Published (1 comments)
22: Where Were You? (4 comments)
24: Thanksgiving and Writing (3 comments)
27: Writing Thoughts While on the Roof (9 comments)
28: Of Indies, Amateurs and Vanity Presses (19 comments)
30: More Fool Me (8 comments)

01: An Advent Calendar (7 comments)
02: Who Am I? (6 comments)
03: I've Got An Idea (7 comments)
04: Red Squirrel (5 comments)
05: Winter Rushes In (12 comments)
06: Beware of Falling Felines (1 comments)
07: All Written Out (12 comments)
08: First Sentence of the Month (5 comments)
09: Who Needs Spelling and Punctuation? (11 comments)
10: Rhubarb Reminiscences (9 comments)
11: Writing in the Face of Mortality (11 comments)
12: Compromise (5 comments)
13: My Holiday Rant (4 comments)
14: Oh Possums! (4 comments)
15: Christmas Trees I've Known (5 comments)
16: Pillars of the Community (2 comments)
17: Summer in December (5 comments)
18: 52 Picked Up (11 comments)
19: Old-time Religion (5 comments)
20: Old-time Christmas (7 comments)
21: A Zine for the Holidays (9 comments)
22: It's Not Nice to Grab (7 comments)
23: Words I Remember (7 comments)
24: Blue Light Special (6 comments)
25: Merry Mithras (4 comments)
26: Writing in the Holidays (5 comments)
27: Signings (4 comments)
28: The Sort of Book I Like (6 comments)
29: Writing to a Different Drummer (8 comments)
30: Last Christmas Tree Standing (8 comments)
31: Horrors of Snail Mail (11 comments)

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