Eric Mayer

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Journal Archives for 2012

Archives: 2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003  

01: Hearing the New Year In (7 comments)
09: Some Reviews (5 comments)

07: Myths About Mithra (0 comments)
29: Old Leap Year Customs (4 comments)

13: Some News (5 comments)
15: Interviews (3 comments)
18: The Iron Menace (4 comments)
21: The End of the World Yet Again (7 comments)
23: Personal History (5 comments)
26: Riddles and Mysteries (2 comments)
28: Opening Day (6 comments)

01: April Fool (4 comments)
03: Beginnings (2 comments)
10: Washing My Hands of the Laundry (10 comments)
15: Thoughts From a Brown Study (4 comments)
18: What We Write (3 comments)

04: Once More (7 comments)
06: Peace and Quiet (11 comments)

23: Mind and Cosmos (6 comments)
30: Your Ebook Reader Knows What You Did (4 comments)

03: Theodora, Vampire Slayer (10 comments)
14: Judith and I (5 comments)
18: Batman, My Hero! (12 comments)
27: Four Tails of Two Cities (3 comments)

02: The End is Near (6 comments)
04: Politics! (7 comments)
08: One for Sorrow Rebooted (2 comments)
12: Gone With the Whip (7 comments)
17: So Many Books... (5 comments)
20: Two Baths (1 comments)
25: A Night in the Luxembourg (2 comments)
26: Against the Grain (6 comments)

01: Review, Interview Free Book (6 comments)
09: Blame it on Brylcreem (13 comments)
18: Brighton Rock (4 comments)
21: Do You Want to be a Squirrel? (6 comments)
24: Changing Genres (5 comments)
27: Thrilling Grocery Tales (6 comments)

03: All A-Twitter (9 comments)
05: Taking a Fall (0 comments)
07: Battle of the Book Covers (2 comments)
14: A Bad Break (6 comments)
18: In Praise of Brown Paper (4 comments)
20: A Halloween Story (1 comments)
21: How Do You Like Them Apples? (6 comments)
27: Autumnal Update (3 comments)
30: Storm Report (5 comments)
31: Halloween (7 comments)

04: Desperate Men Remembered (5 comments)
08: A Fine Pair (2 comments)
10: M.E.Mayer's New Adventure (5 comments)
13: To Promote or Not to Promote? (7 comments)
16: NaNo? Nah. No. (7 comments)
21: Septic Tank Blues (7 comments)
24: Confessions of a Promiscuous Reader (4 comments)
26: Classic and Golden Age Mysteries (7 comments)
27: Ten Questions (0 comments)

01: Roman Empire Conquers UK (5 comments)
05: Crying Over Werther (8 comments)
09: Nine for the Devil Review (2 comments)
09: One for Sorrow £1 (0 comments)
16: Is the End Nigh? (5 comments)
17: Four For A Boy £1 (0 comments)
20: New Golden Age Detective Review by Mary (2 comments)
22: Christmas Music in the Aisles (7 comments)
24: Merry Christmas (7 comments)

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