Mr. Cloudy's Shelter
A Place to Listen and be Heard

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April 2005
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01: Emotional Flashing (4 comments)
04: Influence from afar (5 comments)
05: Raising Kids (2 comments)
05: Red Pens are out (5 comments)
06: blue moods (1 comments)
07: Arguing (2 comments)
08: the wisdom of no escape (2 comments)
11: Top 10 Beatles songs (6 comments)
13: Pack Mentality (2 comments)
14: Brian Greene on the cosmos (0 comments)
15: Teaching Pelicans a Lesson? (0 comments)
15: idolatry (0 comments)
18: Visitor 666 (2 comments)
19: Vulnerability (6 comments)
20: You should have caught that ball! (4 comments)
20: It's good to be overweight, just not too much? (3 comments)
21: kill bill -- stylish, well paced and indifferent (4 comments)
22: Music - the greatest human invention? (1 comments)
25: In Praise of the Half-Empty Glass (2 comments)
26: Twisted (0 comments)
27: beauty, laughter and cussing (1 comments)
28: beauty is better than truth (1 comments)
29: the greatness of dogs (5 comments)

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