things I find important

I'm a scientist and an educator. And occasionally, I want to say things that I shouldn't say in front of the students. So, here I am.

Here's a link to my website.

From Outer Space - my version of Astronomy Picture of the Day


Greg van Eekhout
Kenny Smith
Jenn Reese
Jon Hansen

Sites I Enjoy

Astronomy Picture of the Day
Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam
Official Star Wars Web Site
Strange Horizons

Curiosities served

April 2004
Previous Month :: Next Month

04: Long Week (13 comments)
08: Not my intent (6 comments)
09: Not my intent either (2 comments)
10: How I spent my Saturday morning (7 comments)
14: Random sleeplessness (2 comments)
15: WTF!!?!?!?!? (8 comments)
18: Space stuff (0 comments)
18: Royal Colors (0 comments)
20: Late semester blahs (3 comments)
21: Happy hour? (9 comments)
23: Musings (12 comments)
25: Enchiladas and hummus (4 comments)
27: Defense! (6 comments)
28: Oops (0 comments)
30: Tenacity (7 comments)
30: My students rule! (5 comments)

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