Witnessing the Meltdown

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13397 Curiosities served
July 2005
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08: London attacks disprove 'flypaper' theory? (0 comments)
08: Which Reality are we in? (1 comments)
08: On the Importance of Admitting You Have a Problem (0 comments)
12: Karl Rove perp walk misses the point (1 comments)
12: WWJD? (r1.2) (2 comments)
14: Further evidence of the liberal media (1 comments)
15: Republican Guidelines re: Karl Rove as our National Hero (0 comments)
16: Jesus Saves! (Karl Rove's A**) (0 comments)
16: Oliver Stone & 9/11 (0 comments)
17: Statesman does it's part for the War Effort (0 comments)
18: Pocket Change and Pin Money (0 comments)
19: Bush Champions Literacy: Lessons in Parsing (1 comments)
20: Bush Admin Leaks: Criminal Incompetence or Politics Above Security? (0 comments)
20: Male younger than 42? Might be a good time to consider how you'd look in desert camo (1 comments)
22: Bomb Bomb Iran (0 comments)
23: Saddam's Rape Rooms, reopened under new management (0 comments)
24: Humor: Boudreaux and GI Insurance (0 comments)
25: Some things that make you go 'Hmmm....' v1.2 (0 comments)
26: Letter: SSCI Bush Admin tool to avoid accountability? (0 comments)
28: The 'Family Values' Administration (2 comments)
30: e-Vote 'problems' affecting Congress as well? (0 comments)
30: 'Fiscal Conservatives' in action: Oink Oink (0 comments)

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Who: Early 40-something Software Development professional; father of two young 'uns.

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