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June 2006
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01: happy anniversary to me (15 comments)
02: friday five: summer blockbuster edition (3 comments)
03: thought for the day (9 comments)
04: now that's a commencement speech (9 comments)
05: wow (14 comments)
05: happy anniversary (24 comments)
09: revgal friday five: rain (5 comments)
09: a letter on baptism, part I (7 comments)
11: a letter on baptism, part II (7 comments)
13: another milestone (11 comments)
14: lightning-fast brainstorm (6 comments)
15: random notes from today (5 comments)
16: friday fiveZzzzz... (6 comments)
17: before father's day (6 comments)
18: at home and away (4 comments)
19: miss m update: “War! What is it good for?” edition (11 comments)
19: memories of GA (31 comments)
20: GA: a long boring paper (7 comments)
20: one more GA thought before I fall over (9 comments)
21: a letter to the "spiritual but not religious" (19 comments)
23: two scoops of Friday Five (16 comments)
24: teething hell (5 comments)
24: sixteen hours later (8 comments)
26: a letter to M (4 comments)
26: to blog or not to blog (28 comments)
28: pre-vacation crazies (13 comments)

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