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July 2006
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01: we have arrived (a poem a day) (4 comments)
02: a poem a day--II (6 comments)
03: a poem a day--III (6 comments)
04: a poem a day IV: yummy-ku (4 comments)
05: a poem a day--V (1 comments)
06: a maine abc (5 comments)
07: short friday five (7 comments)
10: monday post-vacation dots (15 comments)
12: writing mojo (10 comments)
13: my new obsession (19 comments)
14: peevish friday five (29 comments)
16: a peculiar banquet--a sermon (5 comments)
16: just how fast can i do sunday/monday dots (11 comments)
17: two-word update on miss m (14 comments)
18: my name's ted (12 comments)
20: my morning (12 comments)
21: tomorrow (today) is another day (6 comments)
21: happy birthday revgal friday five (14 comments)
23: forgive me O God, for I have ranted (15 comments)
24: it's how you play the game (4 comments)
24: and as for the girls... (7 comments)
27: lightning fast update (4 comments)
27: if i sold cheerios (6 comments)
28: hot hot hot friday five (13 comments)
30: photo (8 comments)
31: monday dots (26 comments)

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