Tip of the Iceburg

You always say, bring you street-life, bring you real-life, that one man's desperate and mundane existance is another man's... techni-color. [[strange days]]
Archives for 2002

Journal Entries for 2003
Journal Entries for 2002
Journal Entries for 2001
05: ja love
29: say nighty night and kiss me

01: Summer's comin' and I'd like a review
05: vu le vu the bus
06: bah
06: i never meant to....
08: playin' solitare till dawn
10: i had a feeling i could be someone...
11: One dimensional
12: link me! link me like you know i like it!
13: makin' music, makin' love, gettin' both feet wet
14: super fine
14: it's all in the stars...
18: Bagginses?
18: jazzfest planning and other musings on the weekend...
21: Doesn't matter if you're Michael Jackson...
22: can I just have one more moondance with you...
25: i wish i could say more...
27: screamin' agent orange
28: payphones of countries that we're mad at

03: i steal tests!
04: things are going to get easier...
04: keeg keeg keeg...
09: all dressed up with no place to go
18: And somewhere, very close, the laugh that wasn't laughter
18: everbody cut footloose
21: moesha be jerry, moesha be trey

03: remember sammy jenkis
04: Yay! I'm going to be sick!
09: when i say "sake", you say "bomb"
09: all squishy
14: This week, to date
16: there's a name for people like you...
22: zim is god
24: i am resigned to my minty fate!!!
25: drink drunk drunk...
30: louise! Can't seem to get enough of you!

10: push on till the day
13: you say that nobody loves you...
14: i hate people
19: long live the queen!
24: R2 gets a holo virus?

09: never did win a cheker'd flag...
09: on that note...
12: I'm makin' the cake!
13: They have come for your uncool niece
14: the five percent nation...
14: touch for the very first time...
19: Legalize it!
20: damn it feels good to be a gangsta

06: cease to resist...
30: so long, and thanks for all the fish!

01: not sure if this suit fits
02: no, no, I mean *this* suit
11: jellybelly, indian foods, and other wednesday nite stuffs
20: inaudible melodies

08: slipnot
13: the new new me
25: feature rich (0 comments)
25: it's just silly i tell you (0 comments)

09: random whoami - (0 comments)
12: shine your shooze with the microfone bluez (0 comments)
29: star trekkin' across the universe (0 comments)

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