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Journal Archives for 2006

Archives: 2006   2005  

06: Ooh-la-la, c'est magnifique! (0 comments)
08: A party of scientists (0 comments)
13: Busy, busy, busy (2 comments)
18: Successful and weary (0 comments)
21: Customer service demons and English lit (0 comments)
29: Curtains are great. We love curtains. (0 comments)

09: Endorphins R Us! (2 comments)

05: Ruminations on men (0 comments)
10: I have the best brother-in-law (0 comments)
24: Finally recovering from the virus of doom (4 comments)
31: Dolphins, porpoises and whales, oh my! (2 comments)

02: I went out dancing! (2 comments)
03: Major life awareness moment (1 comments)
12: For she's a jolly good fellow! (0 comments)
12: Most annoying rejections. (1 comments)
15: Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side.... (0 comments)
15: Hooray for taxes being filed. And for refunds! (0 comments)
25: IKEA is letting me down (0 comments)

03: The fun continues (0 comments)
06: Why does too much sun make you tired? (1 comments)
10: Emotional roller coasters (1 comments)
11: LASIK here I come! (3 comments)
12: Filing chaos update (2 comments)
17: My apartment gets better and better (4 comments)
19: Three more days! (2 comments)
19: Yay for Testarossa (4 comments)
21: Three projects done today. Okay two. (2 comments)
22: It's today! (0 comments)
22: Success! (0 comments)
22: One more LASIK item (1 comments)
23: LASIK followup (0 comments)
26: LASIK news (0 comments)
28: Brown eyes and very red cheeks (1 comments)
28: Windy Wilder Ranch (2 comments)
28: Only in Santa Cruz (0 comments)
29: Birthday and Memorial Day greetings (1 comments)
31: Crazy crazy 24 hours (1 comments)

03: Salsa dancing got even more fun! (2 comments)
04: Sunburn and salsa; a classic combo! (4 comments)
05: Things not to do after getting LASIK (1 comments)
08: Counting down the days.... (0 comments)
08: Weird spelling brain fritz (0 comments)
10: Marlene Dietrich, eat your heart out! (2 comments)
15: Yay! I don't have strep throat! (2 comments)
19: Back and almost better (but not better than ever) (3 comments)
24: Je suis arrivĂ©e! (3 comments)
25: Weird seafood and medieval towns (3 comments)
30: Toulouse Lautrec Museum, ohmigod! (5 comments)

05: I swam in the Mediterranean today! (4 comments)
08: Barcelona.... (2 comments)
12: Last night in Barcelona (3 comments)
13: An exercise in frustration (4 comments)
14: Being 34 is almost just like being 33, only older (1 comments)
21: Home sweet home (1 comments)
22: Two years (1 comments)
27: Jet Set Girl to the Rescue! (0 comments)
27: Satisfaction (0 comments)
27: Weird names (1 comments)
28: New shoes (0 comments)

10: "Simple, Economical and Dignified... That's our motto!" (3 comments)
23: Filler (0 comments)
23: Untitled (2 comments)
28: Getting ready (2 comments)

04: Erk! Countdown! (2 comments)
06: First day, check. (2 comments)
07: Big bubbles and permabubbles (4 comments)
11: Congratulations, Miss Indigo Blue! (2 comments)
13: Tassel twirling teaser (0 comments)
14: Market research; please help! (0 comments)

04: Long time no talk (3 comments)
13: Off to Portland (1 comments)
18: Crazy annoying plumbers (2 comments)

22: Happy Happy Thanksgiving! (0 comments)

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