Mindless Blather
...now edited for content

Archives for 2005

Journal Entries for 2008
Journal Entries for 2007
Journal Entries for 2006
Journal Entries for 2005
06: Intro to 2005 (3 comments)
07: Let There Be Flooding! (2 comments)
10: Stuff (0 comments)
12: ...I guess I asked for it. (0 comments)
14: Grrrrrrrr.... (1 comments)
15: Naughty (1 comments)
17: Biogems' Latest (0 comments)
17: Need for Reads (4 comments)
19: So true, that... (1 comments)
19: When Vegetables Go To The Dark Side (2 comments)
21: Egads! (3 comments)
21: Stray Kitty (0 comments)
24: Another One Bites The Dust (0 comments)
26: Exhausted (1 comments)
31: And what a month it's been... (0 comments)
31: Superbowl Sunday, My Way (0 comments)

02: Nothing Much (0 comments)
03: Little Things (0 comments)
07: The World Is Full Of Stupid People (4 comments)
11: Friday, Friday (0 comments)
11: F@!$ing People! (0 comments)
14: Blah (0 comments)
14: What I Want For Valentine’s Day (1 comments)
16: Bouncy Music Entry (0 comments)
17: Quiet (0 comments)
18: Gluttony (1 comments)
21: A Very Uneventful Weekend (0 comments)
22: Try it. (1 comments)
22: Curse of the Single Woman: Part 562 (5 comments)
23: *yawn* (0 comments)
23: Must...Win...Music... (0 comments)
25: Think there's a Westclip for THIS stuff? (2 comments)
25: Bad Boys v. Nerds (2 comments)
25: Housemates, Weddings, and Drugs (4 comments)
28: More Moving Crap (4 comments)

05: Well Jumping Jesus On a Pogo Stick! (1 comments)
07: Remember when they just gave your their card? (1 comments)
07: Throw out your ipod! (2 comments)
08: Shakespearean Purse Snatcher (1 comments)
11: Sore Sticky Leg (3 comments)
17: 3/17/05 (2 comments)
18: Misc. (0 comments)
21: Slightly Cheesy (3 comments)
22: Uhhhh...yeah.... (0 comments)
23: Still Cheesy (0 comments)
23: Penniless and Humming to Myself (0 comments)
25: Magic and Beans and Stuff (1 comments)
28: Not Worried (...Maybe a Little Worried) (3 comments)
30: Moving...still. (2 comments)

07: *grin* (3 comments)
08: Stupid Rocks (2 comments)
11: Monday. (0 comments)
15: Oooohhhh! Dots! (0 comments)
18: Cat That Got The Soy Milk... (0 comments)
19: Odds and Ends (0 comments)
19: Papal Combat (2 comments)
20: Gushing. Again. (3 comments)
22: Grub (2 comments)
27: School. Yay. (0 comments)
28: How did I not know about this? (1 comments)

03: FREE JD (3 comments)
05: Catch-Up Entry (0 comments)
09: HAPPY F#@&'IN MOTHER'S DAY!!!! (4 comments)
10: Decisions, Decisions (0 comments)
12: Busy (0 comments)
16: Stupid, Pointless Entry (1 comments)
18: Did He Just Say Spinster? (1 comments)
20: Aspiring Workaholic Redheaded Beagle Owner (0 comments)
24: Marked Woman (2 comments)
25: Florescent (0 comments)
27: Huh? (2 comments)

01: Darn it! (0 comments)
02: Thoughts on Sailing (0 comments)
20: Update (0 comments)
23: House Hunting, Revisited (0 comments)
27: West Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide... (2 comments)

07: . (2 comments)
08: Wow. You're Old. (0 comments)
11: Thanks So Much For Your Input! (2 comments)
26: I'm Happy. Must've been the brownies... (2 comments)

01: All Settled (0 comments)
03: Flesh-Eating Zombie Beagles (2 comments)
09: Things That Are Making Me Ill (2 comments)
09: ...and the hits just KEEP ON COMING! (1 comments)
12: Final Moments (2 comments)
16: Thoughts on Law School (3 comments)
17: Thoughts, Day Three (0 comments)
20: Contentment (3 comments)

07: Update (1 comments)
23: Ignorance (1 comments)
27: Frosted Contracts (3 comments)
28: Boo. (2 comments)

01: Almost... (0 comments)
06: What I've learned... (3 comments)
08: Happy Birthday To Me! (0 comments)
11: Mmmmm... (0 comments)
12: One Down. (0 comments)
17: Highlights (0 comments)
26: The Basics (0 comments)

28: Mush For Brains (2 comments)
30: Lazy (note the capital "L") (0 comments)

07: Uh oh. (1 comments)

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