sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period.

i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!!
Archives for 2006

Journal Entries for 2007
Journal Entries for 2006

01: where has all the niceness gone??? (11 comments)
02: CARRRRRRRRR!!! (4 comments)
02: this was fun (0 comments)
10: how'd this happen????? (1 comments)
10: hey kentuckypine....... (1 comments)
11: Oh alright already!!!!! (3 comments)
12: nothing to do......... (0 comments)
15: Bison.....the 70's.....and college friends (1 comments)
16: oh man this is so sad...... (0 comments)
18: bullrabble (as my son would say...) (2 comments)
23: for an hour and a half, all was right in this world (2 comments)
24: secrets....... (4 comments)
25: is she gonna do his job for him too??????? (1 comments)
26: can't wait to get outta here!!!!! now and later... (2 comments)
27: sorry (2 comments)
30: stuff (2 comments)
31: woooooooohoooooooooooo!!!!! (1 comments)

01: happy june!!! (3 comments)
01: waiting.....again...... (2 comments)
02: i got the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (6 comments)
07: i'm the bastard (5 comments)
07: random hilarity... (3 comments)
08: bye-bye!!!!! (4 comments)
19: i'm baaaaaaaack!!!! (3 comments)

29: end of july already... (1 comments)
29: weird... (0 comments)

01: confessional (2 comments)
01: people really do talk like that!!!!!! (3 comments)
10: thank you for the lice, Lord... (4 comments)
13: you gotta be kidding me!!!!! (2 comments)
15: today and tomorrow... (3 comments)
15: meme from wanaki (1 comments)
18: alphabet... (2 comments)
19: how do you????? (3 comments)
20: $10 of happiness... (5 comments)
20: drunk at wallyworld... (1 comments)
21: what makes her think???..... (2 comments)
23: gone... (4 comments)
25: changes... (5 comments)
26: my son... (4 comments)
27: plane crash in lex, ky (0 comments)
27: homeless (2 comments)
30: and i was sleeping so well...... (5 comments)
31: for girls only - i told ya she was changing! (4 comments)
31: meme from kentuckypine (12 comments)

01: september... (2 comments)
02: what do you want????? (4 comments)
03: my mother... (3 comments)
04: mornin' (1 comments)
10: what's wrong with me??? (1 comments)
12: 12 things...plus 2 (1 comments)
14: what i know and what i do... (3 comments)
15: 3 out of 4... (2 comments)
18: too much (2 comments)
24: catching up... (1 comments)
27: woooohoooooooooo!!! (2 comments)

01: unexpected wolves (2 comments)
03: anybody want a cat??? (3 comments)
07: gettin there... (2 comments)
27: various and sundry items (2 comments)
31: city girl, country girl??? (2 comments)

02: the "normal" world vs the "perfect" world (2 comments)
05: i want to go back!!!!!!!! (4 comments)
12: you wanna piece of me??? (2 comments)
14: tagged for six (2 comments)
16: i'm hungry!!!!!! (6 comments)
23: no fighting!!! (0 comments)
24: nothing... (1 comments)
26: i wonder... (1 comments)

04: firey hairballs... (5 comments)
09: why am i here??? (3 comments)
09: loser... (1 comments)
12: i'm so dizzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyy... (4 comments)
13: you are so beautiful... (2 comments)
13: progress... (2 comments)
20: my christmas entry... (2 comments)
20: doctor, doctor...gimme the news!!!! (1 comments)
21: laundry list... (3 comments)
27: quiet... (3 comments)
29: just one more, please??? (1 comments)
29: 12 years (1 comments)

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