design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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Journal Archives for 2002

Archives: 2005   2004   2003   2002   2001  

25: class
27: and the good news...

06: wontons of glee
17: homewerk: 4pm - 9:30pm
18: Our Lady of Mercy...& DOOM!
27: put a wiggle in your stride (0 comments)

12: and she was...
16: no news - adjusting reality
19: you got it. you got it.
23: 42, sir.
26: Would I be pretty, would I be rich?
27: in the mood
29: I killed a bird once.

02: just call me the cambell soup lady
04: past the tequilla
08: wierd, I mean work....
11: would that this was a useable body of work
16: hurry up please, its time.
21: mumblings in a dark office or
"Don't let the door hit ya on the way out"

28: laundry list
29: let me entertain you

05: vacation
07: now we're cooking with gas
14: art and music
19: *scrape* *scrape* *scrape*
26: whats going on

19: And now..
23: Darwin to Revelation (WWDD?)

03: coming up for air
03: future career
07: sentence diagram
14: designing music yogurt
18: family of degrees
20: HA!

11: 'fittin' for some sweets
15: printers
16: panic in the streets
17: thats a really big board.
19: not for the squemish
24: candy corn and whiskey
25: work notes #1

28: work and family (0 comments)

04: old commitments and new expectations (0 comments)
07: steel city (0 comments)
13: mission impossible (0 comments)
27: crossroads passed (0 comments)

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