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Journal Archives for 2007

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01: bonk (1 comments)
01: Rose spent the night (1 comments)
06: S (1 comments)
07: tent city (2 comments)
07: meme from HeyElsa (3 comments)
08: David's first birthday (3 comments)
08: Rose's first birthday (from my notebook) (0 comments)
09: bedtime conversation (2 comments)
15: starting gluten (2 comments)
18: stopping gluten (1 comments)
18: walking (0 comments)
24: what's new with David (1 comments)
27: How to get Hansel and Gretel our of your head or Mommy is stronger than monsters (1 comments)
29: Rose completes her picking chart (2 comments)
29: laughing cow cheese, hurrah! (2 comments)
30: Are statues made of dead people? (1 comments)
30: How do you spell poopy peepy? (0 comments)

01: best friends with a bully (3 comments)
02: what's that on your pants? (0 comments)
03: problem solved (2 comments)
04: look at that fat man! (0 comments)
05: David the tool user (0 comments)
10: toddler (1 comments)
14: When War Comes to Lake Forest Park (6 comments)
14: lying to my child (2 comments)
14: why I can't listen to NPR anymore (3 comments)
14: Grandma Rose (0 comments)
14: Arianaisms (0 comments)
20: No One Cares What You Had for Lunch 100 Ideas for your Blog by Margaret Mason (0 comments)
20: David's vocab (3 comments)
28: David's take on San Diego (3 comments)

01: Rose's take on San Diego (1 comments)
01: Debby's take on San Diego (1 comments)
01: is there a word for it? (2 comments)
01: sister out of town, day 3 (2 comments)
02: an hour with Rose (0 comments)
03: not keeping up (6 comments)
04: all through the night (0 comments)
04: Fire, Aphasia, and the Spirit World (6 comments)
04: gluten-free hammantashen (3 comments)
07: Grease You're the One That I Want Does no one share my secret vice? (9 comments)
09: lion (1 comments)
11: the gingerbread man (1 comments)
14: great moments in the last few days (1 comments)
16: meet my friend Alle (0 comments)
16: my daddy is a fesh (0 comments)
22: a stay at home mom does not have to be supermom (3 comments)
22: leaving my job (2 comments)
22: the phone rang five times (1 comments)
23: daylight savings hasn't saved me (2 comments)
24: David's having some fun (0 comments)
27: my favorite lines from children's literature (0 comments)
27: getting the joke wrong (0 comments)
27: he just has a Boston accent (1 comments)
29: things I find myself saying (2 comments)
29: David gets it better than Mommy (2 comments)
31: Kindergarten: the tyranny of choice (7 comments)

03: passover (1 comments)
08: conversations with David (0 comments)
10: 20 lbs. 11 oz. (0 comments)
11: library story time (0 comments)
12: what we did today (3 comments)
13: what we heard him say today (0 comments)
15: four molars (0 comments)
15: Rose's hugs for Mommy today (0 comments)
18: crossing the monkey bars (3 comments)
25: B B B stands for (0 comments)
25: Rose's potential majors (0 comments)
25: thirteen ways of stopping a crying jag (5 comments)
28: David's passport (3 comments)

01: going to Paris today (5 comments)
15: jet lag (3 comments)
17: the big red scarf in Paris (2 comments)
17: France: the facts (0 comments)
18: just what I expected (0 comments)
19: what Rose learned in school (1 comments)
19: how to entertain a toddler and keep him quiet for 3 hours in 4 feet of floor space in the middle of the night with only 5 toys and 2 books surrounded by hazards (1 comments)
31: we get it (1 comments)
31: maimy (2 comments)

03: my hot swingin’ birthday dance party (9 comments)
05: summer vacation (2 comments)
06: gluten again (0 comments)
07: conversations with David (0 comments)
09: Hansa died (0 comments)
10: what would Rose do? (3 comments)
10: conversations with Rose (2 comments)
11: the best thing ever (1 comments)
11: gluten inconclusive (0 comments)
15: conversations I'd prefer not to have at bedtime (0 comments)
15: hitting my limit (0 comments)
20: enough with the disgusto poop (1 comments)
21: celiac disease: negative test, invalid result (1 comments)
25: the first day of summer vacation (1 comments)
27: Rose notices everything (1 comments)
29: amusing Laura 1 (4 comments)

01: Scott Simon (0 comments)
01: more jokes for Laura (0 comments)
01: Rose logic (0 comments)
02: David amazed us today (0 comments)
03: teething (1 comments)
05: David's words (3 comments)
06: any color you want (1 comments)
08: our busy busy week-end (1 comments)
09: off duty (2 comments)
10: back in the day (0 comments)
10: more words from David (1 comments)
12: poem of the day: If I Had a Hundred Hats by Amir Gilboa (3 comments)
13: the obsessive compulsive child in the summertime (0 comments)
15: what David likes (0 comments)
20: Harry Potter! (0 comments)
20: what I find myself saying these days (0 comments)
20: the particularly tidy toddler feeds himself yogurt (1 comments)
25: Harry Potter made me a bad parent SPOILERS (2 comments)
29: 10 things I love about Rose (1 comments)
29: 10 things I love about David (0 comments)

01: David's new words (1 comments)
01: cynophobia (3 comments)
05: our friend Jed (0 comments)
09: our new backyard (1 comments)
16: how do you like motherhood? (3 comments)
16: discipline (4 comments)
18: qigong (0 comments)
19: Rose's birthday party (1 comments)
19: David's new word (1 comments)
25: nosebleeds (3 comments)
26: thank you grandparents (2 comments)
26: a visit to Oberlin (0 comments)
28: 3:50, 4:20, 4:50 (1 comments)
28: fun for the whole family (2 comments)

04: what we did on the last day of summer (0 comments)
04: the day before the first day of kindergarten (2 comments)
05: the first day of kindergarten (1 comments)
06: David's joke (4 comments)
11: five good moments with Rose (1 comments)
13: l'shana tova (2 comments)
17: career counseling (0 comments)
18: David's kisses (0 comments)
18: David's bedtime routine (3 comments)
23: fun and games (0 comments)
27: company (0 comments)

01: jazzercise (1 comments)
02: my successful devious parenting (2 comments)
05: want it (1 comments)
07: four new foods (2 comments)
07: monkey bar education (0 comments)
11: a trip to the dentist (3 comments)
11: a peek at kindergarten (1 comments)
16: playing with David (0 comments)
16: minor rant (1 comments)
16: David used to slam the books shut (1 comments)
16: after three major temper tantrums and countless whines and whimpers, John tells Rose a bedtime story (3 comments)
22: 10 things that make David happy (0 comments)
22: 10 things that make Rose happy (0 comments)
23: 101 raspberries (0 comments)

04: don't do it (1 comments)
08: my devious parenting take 2 or mommy the magician (3 comments)
08: Britney Spears is a bad parent (5 comments)
09: When the Roses Speak, I Pay Attention (2 comments)
09: Wild Geese (2 comments)
15: no! (1 comments)
15: Rose's dog chart (0 comments)
20: rhombus, trapezoid, quatrefoil (3 comments)
20: David's new phrases (0 comments)
24: despite the crying, whining, and screaming (0 comments)
25: the second child chorus (2 comments)
27: From Blossoms (4 comments)
27: Late Fragment (4 comments)

01: happy birthday, David! (2 comments)
02: David's check-up (2 comments)
02: snow (2 comments)
03: the flood (1 comments)
06: thank you allied insurance (2 comments)
06: mean teachers (0 comments)
08: temper tantrum (0 comments)
09: what David wants you to know (0 comments)
09: flood update (1 comments)
10: check your mirrors (3 comments)
11: for the last eight days (1 comments)
11: bio bags (1 comments)
12: 3 beautiful things today (0 comments)
12: David's phrases (0 comments)
12: David's words (2 comments)
12: Rose on Ariana (0 comments)
13: Rose's school concert (0 comments)
14: family dinner--a main predictor of academic success (3 comments)
17: Rose's art (0 comments)
18: Daddy's #1 (0 comments)
19: learning to read (3 comments)
20: solving Piglet's problem (0 comments)
24: christmas eve (1 comments)
25: Christmas fun and follies (0 comments)
31: croup (2 comments)

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